Mar 21, 2012

New plants in the garden

Tonight i was in the mood to work a bit in the garden. The weather has been very kind the past few days and it's very nice to  be outside after a day at the office.

In the backyard i plant 2 vines, given by friends

At the frontyard i plant also 2 kiwi plants (also given by friends)

 kiwi plant 1

kiwiplant 2

it doesn't look nice yet but hopefully we will be albe to eat some kiwi soon ;)

1 comment:

  1. Graag gedaan hoor, ik hoop dat ze goed hun best gaan doen. Let er wel op dat het klimplanten zijn. Veel plezier ervan! Leuk weblog! Ik zal je tussen de linkjes op mijn weblog plaatsen.
