Apr 1, 2012

a juicy news

Last week i ordered a juicer! I read a lot about how healthy it is for you to drink fresh juice of fruit but also from vegetable. I decided to give it a try as it's very difficult sometimes to eat enough vegetables

so this is how it looks like:

Nice isn't it??

so yesterday, after the gardening, after the  cookies, i made some fresh juice.

3 stalks selery
2 pears, doyenne du comice

And the result is.....Green!

Delicious chocolate chip cookies

Yesterday, after my work in the garden, i still had need in cookies.
so i went to my favorite cooking blog, parfum de gourmandies and check if Delphine also had a nice recipe for cookies.

And of course she has ;) I made her peanut butter with chocolate chips cookies (recipe) and they are really yummy!